Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shhh! Don't tell my oncologist or the trials nurse. I have been told that this activity is a no-no. But as I have stated previously, telling me not to do something sometimes has a reverse effect. And so, I had a manicure. And not only that, I had a manicure and a pedicure. Okay, okay, what is so wrong with that? Well, apparently in having a manicure one can expose one's self to infections. Trimming those cuticles can be dangerous. And yet, I have never had any broken skin that I can recall having a manicure. I can't handle those cute little nail trimmers very well with this neuropathy and I have never done well trimming my toenails so a manicure/pedicure seemed in order. I even made sure that I didn't get the rigorous massage on my right arm because of the possibility of lymphedema. I was being really careful. I enjoyed it and I'm not sorry! It was fun, my nails are beautiful and no nicks, cuts or skin breaks. Yayyy!
This week has seen a plethora of food deliveries. Thank you Julie for the chicken and rice. They were delicious. Thank you Fern for the fish casserole! Wonderful. Vera dropped off a zucchini loaf and a crossword puzzle book. Food for the tummy and the mind. Yum! Jane and I had tea and scones this morning and she sent me home with more scones, cookies and marmalade. Tasty! And then Robin brought over a banquet of salmon, rice, broccoli and bread and a good book to read. Yum again! And people wonder why I'm not losing weight?
And now, it is way past my bedtime. I'm off to slumber land. More tomorrow.

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