Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today has got to be my worst day ever, which, if taken in perspective, isn't really that bad, I'm sure. I had plans for today. A walk to Sunrise Bistro for potato latkes with Didi and friends, followed by a makeover at Nordstroms and then lunch with Mary. Instead. I slept almost all day. I just couldn't keep awake. And we had the a/c going so I can't really blame the heat. Outside it was 102.9 at 6 p.m. but inside it was very comfortable. This round of chemo has just socked me a good punch. I feel listless, shaky and tired. And my digestion is all vershnushkied again. I bent another needle again today but I did manage to give myself my injection with a new needle. Those needles are so particular. You talk to them, you give them reassurance and they still turn on you. Sigh!
I did talk to Julie at Safeway today. Congratulations to her on her upcoming graduation from DVC. We both got a little misty eyed over it. She has been going to school for years and this was something she was determined to accomplish. You go, Julie! Now, go to Hawaii and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!
And thank you to Jan and Don who brought over a tasty dinner for us. All my favorite foods. Wonderful!
Now I await word from daughter Sonia and her friend Steve about their adventures in Switzerland. They are supposed to return tomorrow. But from the facebook page I saw the other day they might be in jail. Hope they manage to catch their flight!
Okay, that is enough chat for now. Back to bed for me. Happy rest of the week to you all.


  1. I think the heat can have an effect on you even if you aren't out in it - its draining. Get lots of rest this week, okay? I want to be able to walk with you this weekend.

  2. I am eager to walk with you next weekend. I will take it easy. You too, okay?

  3. Oh Margit! So sorry you had your worst day ever! I think Kara is right about the heat. 70 degrees in ac is different than natural 70.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Lie low and feel better. What's up with Sonia?

  5. Mardie-Hang in there. Four down and two to go. This has got to be so hard, but a few weeks ago you were 2 down and 4 to go. Sleep can be a wonderful thing.
