Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another week, another round of chemo

Well, I got a letter from my oncologist and the news was good. The MUGA (see last blog post) came out well. My heart is apparently functioning well and the racing heart was just that a temporary problem. I hope I wasn't reading more into the letter than there was. It sounded like good news to me.

So I am all ready for my next chemo on Wednesday. Monday afternoon I'll go in for my regular blood work. Tuesday I have an appointment with my oncologist. I actually have some questions for her. Like, is my skin more sensitive now or am I having symptoms of neuropathy? I'm guessing it is neuropathy but I'm not the doctor. I will be interested to hear what she has to say. Another thing I'm concerned about is, am I getting a fungal infection between my toes? I can't think how I could have picked up athlete's foot but I think I have the symptoms. And if I do, can I use over the counter creams to treat it or would that mess up my chemotherapy? Tuesday I also start my anti-nausea pills. They seem to work. I haven't gotten nauseated during chemo treatments. This last round I felt like I might get nauseated but I didn't. My throat felt a little iffy but nothing beyond that.

There are so many things to worry about. Or, am I worrying unnecessarily? While Andy was gone I worried myself into almost a panic. And what happened? I had that racing heart which scared me even more. And all for nothing. When Andy got home everything I had worried about was okay. So now I worry about worrying. Will this nonsense ever end? I must get a grip on myself.

I got an email from a friend who is also going through chemotherapy. Apparently there is condition referred to as chemo brain. Some of one's brain cells don't regenerate when one is on chemotherapy and so one loses some abilities. Like being able to multitask. Or remember things. One might lose vocabulary. This is all temporary, I'm pretty sure. Just while one is getting chemo. But also unsettling. If anyone is interested in this let me know and I'll send you the email about it.

Today Andy and I talked about what we are going to do when my treatments are all done. This will be after my radiation and the last of the chemo treatments which will last until next March. We've decided that if our condo on Maui is finished by the summer of 2010 we will spend two months there from the end of June to the end of August. We'll just enjoy the good air and the sun. If we really find that we like it, we'll start thinking about spending more time in Hawaii. It is something to which we look forward.


  1. I would opine that you have two athlete's feet.

  2. I read about Chemo brain online...I really think I have it. OK, this is about you. sorry. And you know the best thing for anxiety is exercise, if you are up for it. Also self talk, anything to distract yourself!!!

  3. Mary, I hadn't thought of that. Of course, you are right. But they still itch! tee hee!

  4. Yes, Kathy, I agree that if I could have exercised a bit it might have helped but there were so many bad things going on that when I tried to stop thinking about one thing another awful thing popped into my head. And I can't go out in the sun unless I am completely protected from the sunlight because I burn in a matter of moments. Thank you, chemotherapy. It was either raining or too sunny to walk so I was feeling very housebound.
