Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Clarification: Andy spoke to our family physician today. She takes care of both of us and we like her very much. She had seen my white blood cell count and explained to Andy that the number was actually 1x10 to the 9th. Normal is 4x10 to the 9th. So we are talking billions here. Which I understand is, even for a person with poor math skills such as myself, a bit more than just 1. And so now we all understand.


  1. OK. I get it. You were down 3 quarters of a tank.

  2. That's much better. I was afraid we were going to have to put you in a bubble.

  3. Ooh, ooh, I could be a bubble girl. That might be interesting....

    yeah, 3/4 of a tank. I like that!

  4. Amazing how such itsy bitsy numbers matter.
