Monday, June 15, 2009

Disability and spring break

Another fairly uneventful week. One daughter leaves, another daughter arrives. Becca will be here most of the summer. She's working on her dissertation....or so she says. No, she is, I'm sure. Meanwhile I suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous chemotherapy. This go around has just been a little harder. Some of it probably has to do with my mental state during the chemo itself. I'm hoping that my friend who is also going through chemo now has a smoother visit on Tuesday than I did last Wednesday. Surely by now they will have ironed out the wrinkles and figured it all out.
I went to see UP with Becca on Friday. What a great movie. We saw it in 3-D and loved every minute of it. Two thumbs up!
Friday afternoon I had an interesting encounter with the Dept of Disability or whatever their their moniker is. I haven't gotten any checks from them since March 23 and I hadn't really given it much thought (chemo brain!). Thank goodness I have a husband who hasn't lost his job! But it did seem like something that should be cleared up. So I dialed the 800 number. After waiting on hold for about 10 minutes (which I really won't complain about because I have something better to complain about) I got far enough into the conversation with the assister (hmmm, according to spellcheck and my Merriam-Webster there is no such word) to find out that according to their records I was at work. Then they hung up on me. So I called back. 10 more minutes on hold and then the same conversation. And again they tell me I am back at work....and again they hang up on me. We were having a civil exchange of words so I don't think it was deliberate or in anger. But it happened. So I tried calling back again but unfortunately, we have two phone lines and the other line rang and it was Kaiser and I don't like missing calls from Kaiser. So I gave up on that call and took the call from Kaiser. It seemed that Friday wasn't going to be my day on the phone so I decided to try again on Monday, even though they claim that Mondays and Tuesdays are the worst days to call (or Wednesday through Friday between 10 and 2) Reminds me of the time we were in Yugoslavia in 1973 trying to get a visa to visit Albania. Their Visa office hours were something like the 4th Thursday of each month between 10 a.m. and 10:05 a.m except in months that end in r or y when they are open on the third Tuesday from 2:o5 p.m. to 2:08 p.m. Needless to say we never visited Albania. But I am wandering. This morning I got up bright and early, had my breakfast, gave myself my injection and sat down to be ready to call the disability people first thing at 8 a.m. My first call resulted in the recording saying they weren't open yet but my second call hit pay dirt! I only waited about three minutes and was connected to someone named Jake. I implored him not to hang up on me, gave him the spiel and asked him to go past, " you are reported to be back at work". He liked to sing, you could tell the way he hummed and tra-laed his way through his computer display and I felt this was a harbinger of good things. He got to the magic words that I was at work and I said, so why does it say that? A few moments later he gave me the "good" news. Someone had started to input that I wasn't to receive payments for spring break. Fair enough. I don't get paid for spring break when I am not at work. But they hadn't input that spring break was one week. So according to them I had been on spring break all this time! tee hee. So we straightened that out, I answered a couple of questions and Jake gave me the good news that I would be getting those checks that I missed. And he didn't once ask me accusingly why it took me so long to call them. He just did his job. And I thank him. Thanks, Jake!
A big thank you also to Didi for the Greek themed dinner last night. We loved it!


  1. I gave up using the phone and went to the state disability office in person. Even social security was easier to deal with than the state. You have my sympathy!

  2. Thank you. It wasn't all that difficult, just frustrating. I'm sorry you had to go through it!
