Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 7

Well, what are the odds? I wonder....I like to think it was just G-d's flip of the coin and I got tails. Dr. Chang said the lumpectomy was clean and that the breast is free of cancer but there was evidence of spread to the lymph glands. So, he has to go back in and clear it out some more and insert a drain. Sounds kind of like Roto Rooter. He appeared to be so disappointed. Especially after he saw how nicely my incisions were healing. So, it is back to the drawing boards or actually back into surgery for me. I'm just waiting now for his nurse to tell me when and where. It seems like I already did this. Oh, yeah, I did. Little more than a week ago. Sigh. With all that being said, I must say I really like my surgeon and the rest of the team that has worked on/with me and I have every confidence that this will be licked.
Times have changed since I was in elementary school. Two things I remember my parents saying:
1. Once you have a heart attack you get 10 more years of life if you are lucky.
2. If you are really lucky, once you have been diagnosed with breast cancer you get 5 years.
So much has changed since 1957....


  1. Roar! I'm sorry. Here's hoping the Roto Rooter does its job.

    You're amazing, by the way.

  2. Mardie,
    Just got the news and your blogspot. I am sooo sorry to hear about this. If there is ANYTHING I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask (Costco runs, Safeway, whatever).
    I've read your entries to date, and you are such a trooper. I know that you'll beat this thing and come out on top. that's what long-distance runners do....right?
    I'll stop by in the next couple to days just to check in.
    Hugs, Fern (and Don)

  3. So many reasons to stay positive and hopeful dear friend. So much love and support surrounds you at all times. Good thoughts and prayers are centered on you and Andy. So much has changed; know this is just a detour on the course. -r.
