Saturday, May 2, 2009

Walking and feeling well

Okay, there just isn't any way around it. If you aren't feeling well, a walk is a good treatment. If you are feeling well, a walk will help you keep on feeling good. And if it is looking icky outside, well, a little water never hurt anyone. We weren't sure we were going to go on our walk this week. The weather has been so iffy the last couple of days. Don't get me wrong. I am so happy we are still getting rain. The hills may have turned a gorgeous California golden hue, but my yard needs the water. So it was with a little bit of trepidation that I woke up this morning wondering if I should call people to tell them to meet at Rudgear Park and Ride. But, true friends are always there for you, aren't they? Allen was eager, Iris was already up and about and Liz met us at Whole Foods. We had a wonderful walk, the air was cool but no breeze and we didn't get rained on at all. Okay, so it felt a little damp the last quarter mile but the downpour didn't start until after we all got in our cars. Some might call it a miracle. I like to think that a good pace group leader can really time these things well. But what do I know?

Yesterday I met our new Safeway Deli Manager, Susan. What a nice lady! I am looking forward to many happy encounters with her and her staff. She has a good attitude and I'm thinking it will spread through the deli area. Of course, I did have a little heartbreaking incident. As I was standing near the counter waiting my turn, there was a group of younger men, I think they were day laborers, being waited upon before me. I didn't know if they were actually a group or just friendly with one another. A clerk came up to the counter and asked if I needed help. I looked at the five guys in front of me and indicated I thought maybe they were next. And one of them said, "It's okay, Mama. You go next" I felt so old. But perhaps the deference he was showing was that little bit of respect that one hears older people should be getting....I know he meant it in the nicest way. I smiled and thanked him.


  1. You know enough to be a great pace group leader. Only two more weeks of class, and then I can join you walking again... assuming I don't slow you down too much!
