Monday, January 26, 2009

10th posting

I'm changing the header on this blog. The numbers really don't have any meaning, do they? So this is my 10th posting, hardly my 10th day!

Got the call from Kaiser Antioch just a few minutes ago. I am to report to presurgery at 7:15 a.m. This is good. Not too much time to stew about anything at that time in the morning and I certainly won't be starving. Come to think of it, I didn't even think about food last time and we started much later. Oh, well, like to find the positives where I can...

So I will report to the desk and be led to one of their high tech pre surgery cubicles where I will change into a spiffy hospital gown with three armholes. Yes, three. I didn't get it the first time I put one on but the nurse explained it to me as I was getting ready for the mammogram and it made sense. Now I can't remember why, but it did. I will put on one of those fashionable surgical mop caps and then affix my flower. (I do take it off before we go into surgery). And also my magical slippers. I do love those hospital slippers. They are so cozy and soft. Then I will wait while they hook me up to the ekg, insert the iv (hope it is the same nurse as last time. She found the vein on the first try and I felt just a slight pinch). I also get a clip on my finger to measure the amount of oxygen in my blood stream. It reminds me to breathe deeply. Then I will sit and wait until the anesthesiologist and the surgeon come in to make sure I know why I am there. Funny how they ask you all these questions. Who are you? What is your birthday? Do you know your Kaiser Number? What procedure are you having today. Do you understand what that means? I guess they don't want me to complain that I didn't know what the heck was going on and they do want to make sure they have the right patient for the right procedure. Maybe I'll say I'm there for an appendectomy and see what happens. No, that would be cruel. Better leave that alone.


  1. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, dear. And I love that you wear your flower in pre-op. Maybe I'll wear one in solidarity tomorrow...

  2. One more step toward reclaiming your health dear friend!
